How To Use A Public Toilet Safely

How To Use A Public Toilet Safely
How To Use A Public Toilet Safely

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From time to time, everyone has to use public latrines. In most cases, they are far from sterile. In order to safely visit a public toilet, you must adhere to some recommendations.

How to use a public toilet safely
How to use a public toilet safely


Step 1

If possible, choose the toilet with fewer visitors. In various institutions, such places include the upper floors, in shopping centers - toilets located as far as possible from the entrance.

Step 2

Hands should be washed not only after visiting the booth, but also before that. If bar soap is offered, wash the soap first and then wash your hands before using it. This is to get rid of bacteria that may remain on the soap after previous visitors.

Step 3

Liquid soap is preferred. However, there may also be some nuances here. In public toilets, this soap can be either too diluted or completely undiluted. The second can be dangerous if, by someone's oversight, the concentrate was not diluted, which is very difficult to wash off the hands. This can lead to an allergic reaction. To avoid these problems, it is important to thoroughly rinse the liquid soap off your hands.

Step 4

If you have a choice between a hairdryer and paper towels, the second option should be preferred. The humid hot air promotes the growth of bacteria. Paper towels can also be used to keep your hands from touching the tap or door handles. According to research, the highest concentration of bacteria accumulates precisely on door handles. In the absence of water and a sink in the toilet, hands should be wiped with wet wipes. They can also be used to prevent hands from touching the toilet stall door.

Step 5

It is advisable to stop your choice at the cleanest booth. Great if it has a carry-on hanger. Thanks to this, the bag does not have to be laid on the floor or hung on the door handle, from where it can jump off and end up on the floor.

Step 6

It is advisable not to sit on the toilet in a public toilet. If you cannot do without this, you should use special disposable pads. You should try to always have them with you. If there are still no lining on the toilet, you can lay out the toilet paper available in the booth along its edges. Since thin, low-quality paper is most often used in public toilets, it should be laid out in several layers. If there is no toilet paper in the booth, all procedures will have to be performed while standing. After leaving the latrine, you should wash your hands again.
