Who Draws Crop Circles

Who Draws Crop Circles
Who Draws Crop Circles

Circles, spirals and other geometric shapes formed by squashed plants appear from time to time in fields around the world. This mysterious phenomenon attracted the attention of people so much that even a special term appeared - cereology, formed on behalf of the Roman goddess of fertility Ceres.

Crop Circles
Crop Circles

One should not think that crop circles appeared only in the 20th century. In one medieval chronicle there is an engraving depicting a devil bending plants in a field, drawing a circle. Modern man rarely thinks about the "intrigues of the devil", and nowadays circles are more often associated with the landing of UFOs and other actions of aliens.

Crop circles and other figures are usually huge and can only be seen in full from an airplane. These figures are striking not only in size, but also in their correctness, suggesting that they were made by hand.

In some cases, the circles actually turn out to be man-made. For example, the authors of the "epidemic" of crop circles that swept Great Britain in the 80s. 20th century, there were D. Bauer and D. Chorley, unemployed artists. In 1992, Hungarian students were amused in this way, and at the beginning of the 21st century - the English journalist M. Reidley. Similar cases of not quite traditional manifestation of creative abilities are known in Russia. However, people wishing to engage in this "art form" do not have to come into conflict with the law: since 1992, a competition for the construction of figures in the fields has been regularly held in England.

However, circles are not always the result of the activities of "unrecognized artists". Attention is drawn to their complex fractal structure, electrification of plants and soil, swollen and torn internodes of ears, as if exposed to microwave radiation.

It is noteworthy that most often crop circles occur where there are deposits of limestone or chalk underground. The passage of water through such a rock leads to its ionization, due to which the water acquires the ability to attract the plasma vortex.

Plasma - ionized gas, constantly arises in the ionosphere - the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere, which is bombarded by charged elementary particles flying at high speed from the Sun and "taking away" electrons from atoms.

Scientists were once convinced that plasma from the ionosphere could not reach the Earth's surface due to its magnetic field. This was disproved by the observations of the pilots who saw discharges between the clouds and the ionosphere. The distance from the clouds to the ionosphere is much greater than from the Earth to the clouds.

A plasma vortex passing through the planet's magnetic field can spiral or form more complex three-dimensional structures based on the principle of fractals and generate microwave radiation. It is it that "processes" the plants in the fields, leaving traces in the form of circles, spirals and fractal structures.
