What Criteria Can Be Used To Judge The Richness Of The Language

What Criteria Can Be Used To Judge The Richness Of The Language
What Criteria Can Be Used To Judge The Richness Of The Language

From how rich a person's speech is, how clearly and clearly he expresses his thoughts, one can judge the level of erudition and education of the speaker. Therefore, each person should not only expand their vocabulary, but also be able to use the stylistic diversity of the language, its flexibility.

What criteria can be used to judge the richness of the language
What criteria can be used to judge the richness of the language

Word Count

It is impossible to calculate exactly how many words a language contains. Every day, new words come into a person's life, connected with new objects or processes. In Dahl's dictionary, for example, more than 200 thousand words were described, and in the circulation of the classic of Russian literature Pushkin there were more than 20 thousand. It is generally accepted that the more words a language contains, the richer it is. But there are other criteria for determining the richness of speech.

Word-building morphemes

The richness of the language can also be judged by the number of derivational morphemes, for example, suffixes. So, in Russian, the use of suffixes in word formation allows you to give a word a special color or meaning. To express disdain - "old woman", "firebrand", or point to the diminutive form - "baby", "silly". With the help of morphemes, an assessment of something is also displayed - "old man", "old man", "old man".

Morphemes provide an opportunity for the formation of a variety of words and parts of speech. They also allow you to concretize the meaning of the same root words.

Synonymous word series

The richness of the language is also determined by the use of synonyms. So, in the Russian language there are very few absolutely unambiguous words. To make speech colorful and vivid, an erudite person uses semantic, stylistic or semantic-stylistic synonyms. For example, the word "walk" acquires a more precise meaning if it is replaced by the verbs "wander", "wander". And the replacement of the adjective “thick” with “fat” gives the meaning of the word a contemptuous connotation.


Another criterion for determining the richness of a language is tropes. These are phrases or individual words that are used in a figurative sense or create a figurative representation of objects. In the Russian language such tropes as epithets, metaphor, comparison, personification and others are used. The most commonly used epithets. They make the meaning of the word more specific, strengthen its meaning. For example: "the sea is blue", "the maiden is red".

The personification of objects, often used in the literary language, is also a kind of paths: "the sea breathes", "the birch looked into the pond", "the wind sang."


The use of idioms - fixed expressions, the component parts of which cannot be separated, makes the language especially colorful, rich and varied. For example, “there is no face on him” sounds more vivid than “he was very frightened”, or “putting his teeth on the shelf” is stronger than “starving”. When translated into another language, such expressions can lose their original meaning or even turn into an absurd set of words.
