Throughout the entire existence of mankind, writers, artists and philosophers in their works strive to show how hard human life is, how cruel and adamant fate is to people. But is it really so?

The conviction that life is hard begins to form in people as early as childhood. The words of the parents, the statements of the immediate environment, their own helplessness (due not to the severity of life, but to age indicators), in the end, even children's fairy tales convince a growing personality that life and difficulties are inseparable concepts. And not everyone subjects the "truths" learned in early childhood to analysis and doubt.
Another reason for the hard life of most people also lies in their minds. Indeed, many do not realize that the difficulties that arise are actually designed to stimulate a person to self-development, therefore, they perceive all tests as punishment from above. Naturally, a life full of punishments will be difficult.
A distinctive feature of outstanding people who have achieved recognition and fame is their special attitude to difficulties, which can be represented in the form of a formula "challenge, fight and win." Indeed, many successful people seem to be specifically looking for difficulties, challenge them and resolutely overcome them.
The expression "how you name a boat - so it will float" very vividly illustrates the origins of such a phenomenon as a hard life. Under the influence of the factors described above, people subconsciously begin to program themselves that life is difficult. And the subconscious will find more and more confirmation of this fact.
But few people purposefully and thoroughly analyze their life precisely from the position of personal responsibility for it. Considering such thoughts as empty philosophizing, people shift responsibility from themselves to society, power, nature and fate, and do not want to admit that they themselves are to blame for many of their troubles.
The phrase “life is hard” is always popular because it is a great excuse for your own failures. But this way of thinking every year leads a person further away from success and prosperity.