Why Women Live Longer

Why Women Live Longer
Why Women Live Longer

One of the most ironic facts is that women live longer than men. After all, it is on men's shoulders the burden of earning, the role of a breadwinner. And a woman is such a fragile and vulnerable creature. And why, according to statistics, the life expectancy of the fair sex is longer?

Why women live longer
Why women live longer

One of the identified factors is psychological. Yes, men are better developed physically, they are much stronger and stronger. But in terms of psychology, they give women a head start. To endure those problems, anxieties and troubles that a woman can endure, a man sometimes cannot. First, because of this, the number of male suicides is high. Secondly, due to too little interest in their own troubles, men often neglect the advice of doctors and the state of health. And the diseases that develop as a result of this kill them. Because of the same consequences, the desire to show their strength and masculinity harms men. "Boys" not only do not cry, but also endure, do not complain and do not pay attention to the symptoms. Diseases progress, male mortality is higher. In the modern world, car accidents are a frequent cause of death. And, despite the skeptical attitude of men towards ladies at the wheel, much less trouble happens to the latter. After all, a woman monitors the situation, is able to soberly assess it, does not show character in the form of boys' contests and revenge ("He cut me off - you will have to take revenge in the same way"). Although many women smoke and drink alcohol, these habits are much more common among men. They are another cause of early male mortality. Of course, a smoked cigarette or a beer drunk with friends will not kill you right away. But smoking leads to lung cancer, regular alcohol consumption destroys all internal organs. Today women hold high positions and are actively moving up the career ladder. But this has become the norm only recently. Previously, such an account was considered only male. A huge responsibility, constant problems lead to disorders of the nervous system. Hence, various unpleasant diseases follow, gradually exhausting the body, which also leads to early death.
