Which Amulet Is The Best

Which Amulet Is The Best
Which Amulet Is The Best

The defining purpose of the amulet is to protect its wearer from disease, failure, envy and other dangers. Almost any object can become a talisman, but the amulet must be energetically charged.


What a good amulet should be made of

An amulet, unlike a talisman, does not have to be done with your own hands. The material of which it is composed may initially have certain properties. Stones are natural accumulators of energy, capable of giving their strength to the wearer. Not every stone is suitable for making an amulet, an ordinary shard raised on the road will be useless, but amber found on the shore can turn out to be a very powerful artifact.

Precious stones that have been processed by someone else's hands lose a significant part of their energy, and it will take a long time for jewelry to become an amulet. On the other hand, the inherited relics have tremendous magical potential, since they carry the ancestral memory. Such items protect their wearer for life and do not require recharging.

Amulets carved from wood or bone also have significant power. Natural material is a good conductor for energy flows. Artificial materials are not able to retain a single drop of magical energy. As a result, the purchased amulet made of plastic, even with very strong and correct symbols, will remain a beautiful trinket.

Aliens and their symbols

Symbols from Eastern religions are becoming more and more popular. Beautiful hieroglyphs can mean something completely different from what is written on the package, and are unlikely to have at least some effect on the fate of a person. Hindu figures and signs help only those who practice this religion. Like an Orthodox cross, a Buddhist will hardly be useful.

Ancient Scandinavian and Slavic runes are practically the only magical signs that are universal and can be used for any person. But it is necessary to select runic formulas individually, relying on your own intuition and feelings. It often happens that a perfectly charged amulet simply does not suit a particular person.

The best amulet is working

Having set out to choose the most effective amulet, you should pay attention to the material from which the product is made, and how comfortable it is to be near the object. Only by listening to your inner feelings and analyzing what is happening around you, you can understand whether this amulet is right for you.

Self-created or acquired artifacts periodically need energy recharge. It will be enough to hold the object in your palms, remembering the past day with gratitude, and the energy resource will be restored. It is highly undesirable for someone other than the owner to touch the thing.
