What The World's First Pack Of Cigarettes Looked Like

What The World's First Pack Of Cigarettes Looked Like
What The World's First Pack Of Cigarettes Looked Like

Everyone knows that Europeans owe the discovery of tobacco to Columbus. Tobacco was smoked as medicine, they were paid for goods. And when did the first pack of cigarettes appear in the form in which it exists now?

A cigarette pack was invented in London
A cigarette pack was invented in London

First there was corn

The history of tobacco production did not start with a pack. But tobacco, such a substance, which, in order to smoke, needs to be wrapped in something. The Indians first smoked tobacco in clay pipes. Then they began to wrap corn, straw, reeds in leaves. Europeans, who were the first to taste the overseas curiosity, also used pipes first. Then they began to wrap it in a tobacco leaf and invented cigars. The idea to wrap tobacco in tissue paper appeared sometime in the middle of the 19th century. This was the birth of the cigarette, and a new era in the tobacco industry began.

First cigarettes

Philip Morris was the first to start producing cigarettes. He was the owner of a small tobacco shop in London, he sold tobacco and cigars. And suddenly one day I saw a British officer on the street, returning from the Crimean War. The officer walked and smoked a cigarette. Where did he get it? Paper cigarettes were invented by Egyptian soldiers who fought with Turkey in the Crimean War.

And it dawned on Morris. He really enjoyed wrapping tobacco in paper. And in his shop in 1854 the first cigarettes appeared, of course, without a filter. Philip Morris made them with his own hands, just wrapping tobacco in paper. Cigarettes were dispensed by the piece, poured into the customer's pocket, in a basket or in any container. Then they decided to tie a dozen with a ribbon. Then we went further and began to wrap this bandaged dozen in a piece of paper.

In general, a cigarette, although it began its triumphal march around the world in London, is a French word meaning "small cigar".

First packaging

The first packs, cardboard boxes for packing cigarettes, were invented in London. They packed cigars and the most expensive cigarettes, which were afraid to be damaged. The rest continued to be wrapped in wrapping paper because the first cigarette cartons were expensive.

In 1863, cigar manufacturers in the United States of America were ordered by the government to pack cigarettes in packs. It was necessary to glue the excise tax somewhere.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the whole world has gradually begun to sell cigarettes in cardboard boxes. Foil appeared inside the boxes, and a film on the outside, for better preservation of the product from dampness and damage. In addition to preservation, the pack served as an advertising function - the logo and advertising information were placed on it. This was best done on a pack containing not a dozen, but 20 cigarettes. It was on this form that the manufacturers stopped.
