How To Sand Plexiglass

How To Sand Plexiglass
How To Sand Plexiglass

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Due to such properties of organic glass as flexibility, light weight, ease of machining, water resistance, rich colors, cold resistance, aesthetic appearance, etc., this material has found application in instrument and mechanical engineering, aviation. Plexiglass is successfully used in the advertising industry, making plates, lamps, logos, blanks for three-dimensional letters, etc. The digital precision of the equipment allows you to create amazing patterns from it. The cut edges of the material are ground and polished to a high gloss.

How to sand plexiglass
How to sand plexiglass


  • - emery wheels;
  • - grinding skins;
  • - drill;
  • - polishing wheels;
  • - GOI paste, sifted chalk;
  • - cotton fabric, felt, felt.


Step 1

In order to grind plexiglass with its subsequent polishing, use emery wheels for rough processing, sandpaper, polishing wheels. When processing internal surfaces, it is allowed to use wooden or metal rods of different diameters with strips from sanding skins glued to them.

Step 2

And for grinding plexiglass, purchase GOI paste, paste for straightening razors, etc. For these purposes, sifted chalk, tooth powder can also be useful. Spread the paste or powder on a piece of cotton or cloth. Place a cotton pad between the grinding wheel and the cloth. Sand the plexiglass with a circular motion by hand or with a drill. Carefully smooth deep scratches with waterproof sandpaper.

Step 3

If you need to sand large Plexiglas sheets, proceed as follows. Glue sanding skins onto the drawing board, after cutting them into long strips. With the plexiglass sheet itself, like a plane, drive along the surface of the drawing board, achieving a certain degree of processing accuracy.

Step 4

Bring the polished plexiglass to the desired state with ordinary window glass. Its sharp edge removes chips from the surface of the part, the part takes on a look ready for final polishing.

Step 5

After polishing the plexiglass, start polishing it. Use cotton, felt or felt for the buffing wheel. Cover the buffing wheel with abrasive paste. Remove the greasy layer of the polishing wheel with a metal plate or a glass shard.

Step 6

Carry out the process of grinding and polishing very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the plexiglass. With a gentle touch, bring the surface of the part to the emery wheel during grinding or to the polishing wheel when polishing. Take breaks from work, while cooling the rubbing surfaces by immersion in water or spraying with water.
