Interesting Facts About Cacti

Interesting Facts About Cacti
Interesting Facts About Cacti

Cactus is a perennial plant of the succulent family. In total, there are more than 2 thousand species of them. These are the most heat-resistant flowers. They can withstand temperatures up to 60 degrees Celsius. The homeland of cacti is South, Central and North America.

Interesting facts about cacti
Interesting facts about cacti

Proven facts about cacti

At home, cacti are often used as a building material. Live plantings serve as a substitute for hedges and fences. And from the wood of old plants of some types of thorny flowers, walls, roofs, beams, rafters and other supporting elements are made. Souvenirs and musical instruments are also made from cacti.

Cacti accumulate moisture in their trunks. In desert conditions, they need this ability to survive. Sometimes they can accumulate several tons of water in the form of a thick syrup. Thorny plants are saved from thirst and desert travelers. It is worth piercing or cutting the trunk of a cactus and you can drink plenty of life-giving moisture.

Mexican farmers have long noticed that cows that eat cacti produce more milk. True, before feeding animals with this plant, it is necessary to cleanse them of needles. Otherwise, the cows will die from the prickly treat.

Once upon a time, with the help of cacti, cochineal was made - the famous purple dye. For this purpose, specially created plantations of cactus of the genus prickly pear, on which were bred furry aphids. And from it, in turn, they mined purple paint.

In some countries, cacti are used for cooking. The fruits of many plant species are eaten raw, added to compotes, wine, other drinks, various desserts, omelets, meat dishes, and bread is baked from cactus seeds.

In Mexico, the natives use the stem and roots of the cactus for medicinal purposes. Opuntia is a good diuretic, it also treats liver diseases, helps with fractures, and has an antibacterial effect. Cactus stalks help with colds. It is cut lengthwise, boiled and compresses are made on the chest. Cactus juice saves from hangover, relieves headaches.

Misconceptions about cacti

It is believed that cacti absorb electromagnetic radiation, so they should be placed next to computers and other office equipment. In fact, this is a delusion. This fact has not been proven by anyone. Although it has been noticed that with increased electromagnetic radiation, plants feel much better. And cacti with long needles have the ability to ionize the air. However, in addition to electromagnetic rays, the flower needs a sufficient amount of light and moisture.

They say that a cactus blooms once in a lifetime and then dies. It is not true. A healthy plant blooms every summer.

Some amateur flower growers believe that cacti are the most unpretentious plants and they do not need special care. In fact, cacti need to be given no less attention than the same violet or geranium.

There is also an opinion that indoor thorny plants cannot be transplanted and taken out into the street. Not at all. At air temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius, professionals advise putting flowers on the balcony or replanting them to the garden bed. This will harden the cacti, subsequently they will hurt less and delight their owners with beautiful fragrant buds.
