Why Lady Gaga Chose Such A Pseudonym

Why Lady Gaga Chose Such A Pseudonym
Why Lady Gaga Chose Such A Pseudonym

Lady Gaga was born into a family of immigrants and managed to conquer the whole world with her singing. Despite all the obstacles, she achieved success and became a famous performer.

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga's childhood

When the future star was three years old, she walked up to the piano installed at home and simply hit the keys with her fingers. The girl's mother once saw this and persuaded her husband to send baby Stephanie to a music school. The child really liked the lessons at school: she played and imagined that many people were looking at her who admired her talent.

But the future Lady Gaga did not just play the piano, but often got up and, waving her arms, began to sing songs. This behavior for the school teachers turned out to be extremely unacceptable.

The headmistress of the school where Stephanie studied began tying the girl's wrist and the pink panther's paw with a string. While playing the piano, the baby had to make sure that the panther did not move.

Changing tastes of Lady Gaga

Classical music was Stefanie's favorite until eight, and then her father got tired of the constant sound of the works of Mozart and Chopin. To diversify the repertoire, he introduced the girl to more popular music. The idea was successful. The girl listened to songs with pleasure and even went with her father to a bar on Saturdays. All sorts of artists performed there, performing youthful and sometimes frank songs.

Solo career

At the age of 15, the future Lady Gaga began performing independently in clubs. Her stage partners were often transvestites, strippers and other suspicious personalities who could have a bad influence on the younger generation.

But the girl simply had no other choice: she was not taken to school or any other youth performances. According to the singer herself, her dark hair color was to blame for everything. When she bought herself a blonde wig, fate immediately smiled at her. She was offered a role in the play "Guys and Dolls". But six months later, the singer was delighted with what was happening. She realized that constantly playing the piano was too boring for her, very similar to the torment in a music school.

The emergence of an alias

The singer decided to abandon the image of a good-girl and emphasize this with a pseudonym. The girl was inspired to choose a new name by Freddy Mercury's song “Radio Gaga”. From Mercury, according to the observations of many of Lady Gaga's acquaintances, she also adopted many of the habits.

Shocking and all sorts of antics have become a hallmark of the singer. According to her, she quickly realized that the audience is more important not the meaning of the songs and the ability to dance, but the ability to surprise. Therefore, now she even creates songs for dresses.
