How To Make A Prism

How To Make A Prism
How To Make A Prism

Table of contents:


A prism is a device that separates normal light into separate colors: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet. It is a translucent object with a flat surface that refracts light waves, depending on their lengths, and thus allows you to see light in different colors. Making a prism yourself is pretty easy.

The decomposition of light is not only an interesting scientific phenomenon, but also a beautiful sight
The decomposition of light is not only an interesting scientific phenomenon, but also a beautiful sight


  • Two sheets of paper
  • Foil
  • Cup
  • CD
  • Coffee table
  • Torch
  • Pin
  • Water


Step 1

A prism can be made from a simple glass. Fill the glass a little more than halfway with water. Place the glass on the edge of the coffee table so that almost half of the bottom of the glass hangs in the air. At the same time, make sure that the glass is stable on the table.

Step 2

Place two sheets of paper, one by one, next to the coffee table. Turn on the flashlight and shine the rays of light through the glass, so that it falls on the paper.

Step 3

Adjust the position of the flashlight and paper until you see a rainbow on the sheets - this is how your beam of light is decomposed into spectra.
