How To Write In A Way That Is Understandable

How To Write In A Way That Is Understandable
How To Write In A Way That Is Understandable

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The Internet has long surpassed Hyde Park in freedom of expression. People turn to specialists on forums for help, share ideas, offer services … However, in order to be understood, you need to express your thoughts competently and clearly.

How to write in a way that is understandable
How to write in a way that is understandable


Step 1

There is such an observation: "He who thinks clearly, he is clearly expressed." Think carefully about your message before using your pencil or keyboard.

Step 2

Make an outline of the article in your mind: introduction, main part, conclusion. Remember that too long text will only be read if it is as entertaining as the best creations of Dumas-peer. Therefore, write briefly so that the main idea does not get lost in unnecessary phrases.

Step 3

Try to write in small paragraphs, each of which develops a specific thesis. Do not deviate from the topic: develop a new idea in a new paragraph. Support your theses with relevant examples.

Step 4

Avoid long, confusing phrases. Not all readers will understand what exactly you wanted to say if they have to wade through the jungle of participles and adverbs. Compound and complex sentences are best broken down into two simpler ones.

Step 5

Avoid grammatical mistakes, especially if you are targeting a literate audience. If a particularly ridiculous spelling mistake has caught the reader's attention, it is possible that the meaning of the phrase will elude him. And it is difficult to take seriously a person who gives the impression of an ignoramus. Don't rely on Word's auto-spelling checker - use dictionaries and reference books.

Step 6

Oral and written speech is very clogged with parasitic words and words that are delicately called bundles. In every possible way, avoid the inappropriate use of the conjunctions "like", "like": "I kind of love him", "We, like, friends" and other verbal rubbish that makes speech sloppy, and the meaning of the phrase - vague.

Step 7

Avoid tautology - look for synonyms for the word, while observing the measure. The bored clichés can hardly be called synonymous: "black gold" instead of "coal", "people in white coats" instead of "doctors" have set the reading public sore.

Step 8

Re-read the finished article after a while, with a fresh mind, or show it to your friends. Consider their comments.
