How To Transport Vegetables

How To Transport Vegetables
How To Transport Vegetables

Table of contents:


Vegetables and fruits are perishable foods. It is necessary to comply with some parameters when transporting such goods. Moreover, there are a lot of individual requirements for each agricultural product. But the most important rules for the transportation of vegetables and fruits are observance of temperature conditions, humidity and prevention of freezing of food.

How to transport vegetables
How to transport vegetables


  • - refrigerated cars;
  • - packaging.


Step 1

Use special vehicles for transporting vegetables and fruits: refrigerated wagons. The required temperature regime is ideally maintained in them. You can also use an ordinary truck with an awning, but only on condition that the transportation lasts no more than 5-6 hours.

Step 2

Transport fruits and vegetables fresh and clean. Pack the cargo when transporting. It is advisable to use film or paper so that the fruits do not come into contact with each other. If this is not possible, then many fruits, for example, apples, oranges, pears, can be sprinkled with shavings.

Step 3

Observe temperature conditions. Each fruit and vegetable has its own specific temperature regime, at which its transportation is allowed. If the fruits are transported in winter, they must be warmed up to avoid freezing. In summer, on the contrary, should be cooled. In hot weather, it is best to transport fruits early in the morning or in the evening.

Step 4

Use well equipped transport. Prepare your car for transportation. Wash thoroughly and disinfectant. During transportation, products must be protected from the effects of natural disasters. That is why use tarpaulin transport. Insulate the boxes, if necessary, with tarpaulins, straw, etc.

Step 5

Transport fruits and vegetables according to the travel time established by the rules - the maximum delivery period. If you are going to transport several types of perishable fruits, then keep to the very minimum time.

Step 6

Transport and store food in special boxes. The container must have a metal frame and wooden walls with gaps between the boards. These boxes provide good ventilation and protect the fruit from damage. In addition, such containers are easy to load and unload. Install containers tightly to each other so that they do not shift during transportation. And in order to simplify the loading and unloading of boxes, place them on special pallets.

Step 7

Monitor the condition of the transported fruits. Vegetables and fruits should be dry, clean, fresh. They should not be affected by insects. Spoiled fruits cannot be transported together with normal ones.
