How Many Years Can An Oak Grow

How Many Years Can An Oak Grow
How Many Years Can An Oak Grow

Oak is a symbol of courage, endurance, some kind of superpower. Since ancient times, this tree, covered with legends and traditions, was an object of worship among many peoples, including the Slavs. The tree is truly a giant among others. It reaches 30 meters in height, there are specimens and higher - up to 40-50 meters. No wonder, when they want to say about something strong and reliable, they compare it with an oak.

How many years can an oak grow
How many years can an oak grow

The mighty tree called Quercus belongs to the deciduous genus of the beech family. The leaves are simple, lobed, serrated, and sometimes whole-cut, their shape and size depends on the subspecies. The tree blooms in April-May, its flowers are rather small and inconspicuous. Bears fruit with acorns. Moreover, trees grown in open areas begin to bear fruit earlier. Oak is quite unpretentious, although light-requiring, undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant and winter-hardy.

Tree formation

The species composition of oak is very wide. In the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, there are about 450 species of this beautiful representative of the flora. Of which in Russia - a little less than 20, in the Caucasus and the Far East - more than 40.

The tree is propagated by acorns. It is important to note that the germination of the acorn lasts only until next spring. Having started a sprout, the young shoot is in no hurry to get into strength, and during the first year it reaches no more than 10 centimeters in height. Growth over the next few years is even slower. But in 10 years, the annual growth of the tree becomes more noticeable - up to 35 centimeters. Such a small increase is compensated by the duration of growth - up to 120, or even 200 years. Moreover, the growth after 80 years slightly slows down, but does not stop. During this period, the crown grows most intensively and the trunk thickens. When the growth in height stops, the crown and trunk are still absorbed into force.

Reproduction and regeneration

The first fruits of the oak begin to give quite late, as much as 40 - 60 years old. And a tree that has grown in a dense forest begins to bear fruit even later.

A sawn or felled oak tree regenerates quite well with young shoots that grow from the stump. Most of the inhabitants of the oak forest are of this origin. Such trees differ from those grown from an acorn in their appearance. They are lower, and the trunks are curved at the base.

If we talk about the life span of an oak tree, it is quite significant - as much as 500 years. And this is not the limit. In Ukraine, not far from Zaporozhye, a giant is growing, which is already 800 years old. Long-lived Russian heroes in a grove in Kolomenskoye are the same age as the capital. It is difficult even to imagine what these giants have seen in their lifetime, what stories have passed them by.
