How To Make A Protractor

How To Make A Protractor
How To Make A Protractor

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Protractors, unlike rulers, are not always found in stationery stores. If you have a printer, you can make this tool yourself. It is enough to print the finished template, cut it out and stick it on hard material.

How to make a protractor
How to make a protractor


Step 1

Make sure your printer has the same resolution in both coordinates. To do this, draw a square in any graphics editor and print it. Measure the sides of the square with a ruler - the measurements should be the same. If not, try printing at a different resolution. If it was not possible to achieve the same resolution, use a different printer. In any case, it is desirable for the printer to be in color.

Step 2

Download the image shown in the title of the article. Scale it with any graphics program, respecting the proportions, to the desired size. If possible, print the template on film - then it will be more convenient to use the protractor, since you will be able to see the lines that are located directly below it. If your printer is not compatible with film, use paper, but then the protractor will turn out to be opaque.

Step 3

Cut out the printed pattern along the outline. Put it on a sheet of plexiglass and transfer the outline to it. If printed on paper, the protractor material may be opaque.

Step 4

Remove the template from a sheet of hard material, then use a jigsaw to carefully cut a copy of the template out of it. Be sure to file the edges of the workpiece afterwards so that they are not sharp. Glue the template itself to it. If film was used, the glue should be transparent. In any case, it should not form unsightly stains.

Step 5

When the glue is dry, drill a hole about 2 mm in diameter in the protractor for the pencil. It should be located strictly in the center - the place of its drilling is indicated on the template with a circle. The finished instrument has two scales - forward and backward, and if a color printer was used - red divisions every thirty degrees, which makes it easier to use.
