It is said that about 70% of people are immune to bedbug bites, making these insects very difficult to detect. But these parasites are easy to find by the brown spots on the bed linen, which occur when a bed bug is crushed by a sleepy tossing and turning person.

The appearance of bedbugs
Parasitic bugs (bed or house bugs) have a slightly flattened body shape. The size of an adult can vary from 4 to 9 mm. Bedbugs have a proboscis on their heads, which serves as a tool for piercing tissues and further sucking out blood. In addition to the proboscis, their upper and lower jaws, resembling stabbing bristles, are also adapted for a human bite. Typically, male domestic bugs are smaller than females. The color of the carapace can be from dirty yellow to dark brown, depending on the degree of its saturation with blood.
Bed bugs do not have wings, but due to their light weight and flattened body, they can easily move along walls and ceilings. This harmful insect has a dense segmented body, which makes it almost impossible to combat them by mechanical means. After sucking blood, the bug becomes slow, and its body turns brown-red. By its color, you can easily determine whether the parasite has eaten for a long time.
Insects activate their activity with the onset of darkness, feeding on the blood of animals and humans. Small blood-sucking parasites are nocturnal, and during daylight hours they hide in dark nooks - behind baseboards, under wallpaper, in furniture cracks, books, electronic equipment, clothes, and can even live in bird cages or pet bedding.
The harm of bedbugs
Researchers have not yet unequivocally proven that house bugs are carriers of diseases. But the test results show that their body can keep the causative agents of many diseases for a long time - tularemia, typhoid, Q fever and others.
Bed bugs deprive a person of healthy sleep and are the cause of the unpleasant sensations that they deliver with their bites. A person who has been bitten has a decrease in working capacity, irritability and constant fatigue occurs, and the level of attention decreases. After bedbug bites, redness, rash, or allergic swelling of the skin may occur.
During the bite period, the bed bug does not sit in one place, but moves through the body, leaving a trail that looks like a track. The distance between the bite points can be several centimeters. Sometimes in a heavily infested area, up to 500 bites can be committed in one night.
Because of their highly developed sense of smell, bugs easily find everyday clothes, preferring synthetic fabrics, hide in it and, together with a person, get into other dwellings, expanding their habitat.