All Information About Cockatoo

All Information About Cockatoo
All Information About Cockatoo

Cockatoos are distinguished by their mobility, intelligence and goodwill. Curious white-winged parrots lend themselves well to training. Affectionate treatment of the owners can make them peaceful pets. Angry cockatoos are only with improper care and rough handling. Despite their cute appearance, they are very vindictive and at the first opportunity they will remember everything to the offender.

All information about cockatoo
All information about cockatoo

General information about cockatoo

The name of Plitz has Malaysian roots and is translated as "nipper". It is no coincidence that the cockatoo received such a nickname; birds have huge and strong beaks that can bite a human finger in no time. White-winged giants soar in the sky over the forests of Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea.

A strong beak helps cockatoos not only take revenge and defend themselves, but also successfully climb trees. The main diet of birds is made up of fruits, plant shoots, nuts and insects. Hard-to-bite nuts and hard-shelled seeds are considered a special treat. White-winged "cunning" often gnaw the fruit, select seeds, and leave the flesh intact.

You can recognize a cockatoo by its unusual tuft, which differs from the color of the rest of the plumage. But the bird's tail is unremarkable, straight, has a rounded shape. The length of adult birds can reach 50 cm. True giants are known in history, more than 80 cm in size. The parrot has an impressive lifespan, in captivity it can live up to 70-75 years.

All varieties of cockatoo

Science knows 21 species of these birds. The mollukskiy cockatoo is distinguished by a pale pink color, has a body length within the range of 50-55 cm. It is well recognized by its orange-yellow undertail. It is this species of cockatoo that has found its cozy place next to a person. His pleasant character and ease of training made him a successful actor and circus performer.

The yellow-crested cockatoo differs from its counterparts in a narrow and sharp yellow tuft. Able to "support" the conversation, because it perfectly imitates human speech.

Cockatoo Gala, or pink cockatoo, can become a friend for all family members, because he is peaceful and well-mannered. The parrot "clown" or "fool", this is how its name is translated, has a smoky gray plumage and a belly of red meat color.

The white-crested cockatoo has a snowy color and a large, truly royal, crest in the form of a crown. Life expectancy in captivity is 50-70 years.

The rarest species is Major Mitchell's cockatoo. Housekeeping is strictly controlled by the authorities, in order to accommodate a bright pink feathered one, you will have to pass an exam and obtain a license.

Keeping in captivity

A lot of artistic talent, learning ability and whistling a pleasant melody made the cockatoo pets. When choosing a cage for a bird, keep in mind its size. Insufficient "living space" can make a peaceful chick angry and withdrawn. The pet will express its displeasure with an extremely unpleasant loud cry. A disgruntled parrot begins to "pull out his hair", or rather, pluck out his feathers, which will cause certain problems.

Care in captivity requires the right diet. A gluttonous pet will eat whatever is offered to him. He has a special love for corn, carrots, cucumbers, eggplants and celery. Before purchasing a cockatoo, stock up on dandelion roots and green beans. Please note that avocados, cabbage, coffee, parsley, sugar, salt and dairy products should not be fed to poultry.
