How To Pronounce The Letter W

How To Pronounce The Letter W
How To Pronounce The Letter W

Table of contents:


It is best to start working on the pronunciation of the letter Ш from early childhood. But if an adult also has a similar problem, then articulatory gymnastics classes can help him too.

How to pronounce the letter W
How to pronounce the letter W


  • - mirror;
  • - rhythmic music


Step 1

Articulatory gymnastics consists of exercises for the lower jaw, lips and tongue. They need to be performed systematically - daily for 3-5 minutes in front of the mirror. Activities with children can be accompanied by rhythmic music, counting or claps.

Step 2

Do an exercise to develop the muscles of the lower jaw. Have your child open his mouth wide and hold him that way for 20 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.

Step 3

Chewing movements with closed lips contribute to the development of the lower jaw, as well as light tapping with teeth (lips are open). Do the exercise "Fence" - stretch your lips in a smile, and put the upper jaw on the lower one. Hold in this position for 15-20 seconds, relax. You can train at the same time with your child, introducing game elements into the exercises.

Step 4

Develop your lip muscles. Stretch open lips with clenched teeth, you get a "Hollywood smile", fix it for 5-7 seconds. Repeat this action 10-15 times. Do the "Proboscis" exercise - stretch your lips as far forward as possible with a tube. Repeat 15-20 times.

Step 5

To develop the muscles of the tongue, do the "Cup" exercise with your child. Place your tongue on your lower lip, lifting the sides and tip at the same time. You should get something like a groove. Another effective form of training the muscles of this speech organ is the so-called "Chatterbox". Tighten your tongue and quickly and quickly chat it in your mouth in different directions, then relax it and repeat the exercise. Do it 20-30 times.

Step 6

Speak various tongue twisters with your child, watch not so much the speed as the quality of their pronunciation. For example: "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying", "Hat and fur coat - that's all Mishutka", "Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are plain, noisily rummage around pennies", etc.
