Why Do They Twitch In A Dream

Why Do They Twitch In A Dream
Why Do They Twitch In A Dream

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In the old days, many believed that a person shudders in a dream, because at this moment the devil or other unclean force touches him. It is good that today there are other, less frightening explanations for this phenomenon.

Why do they twitch in a dream
Why do they twitch in a dream


Step 1

Some believe that chaotic movements of a person in a dream are associated with insufficient blood circulation. In this case, they say that the body is numb in a dream. Trying to restore blood flow, the body forces a person to move. Often, circulatory disorders are inherited and may indicate some diseases. Such people experience weakness or slight tingling in the limbs in the morning.

Step 2

Stress is another cause of troubled sleep. If the day was too stressful, and you were not able to relax in the evening, then it is likely that the muscles in a dream will contract, trying to relieve tension, this is a kind of relaxation for the body.

Step 3

Probably, many have heard that there are several levels of sleep. So, being on one of them, a person does not perceive the world around him in any way, he seems to be disconnected from it. At the same time, the sleeper's brain is able to respond to the needs of the body. For example, if there is a lack of any vitamins in your body, for example, calcium and potassium, then in a dream the muscles of a person will contract, causing the sleeping person to twitch.

Step 4

Sometimes the twitching is explained by the fact that when a person falls asleep, he cannot fully fall asleep, something interferes with him. At these moments, he shudders, wakes up and immediately plunges into slumber again. Such peculiar transitions can be repeated several times until a full sleep occurs.

Step 5

There is another, not the most pleasant, version of the explanation for the fact that people twitch in a dream. The fact is that sleep is somewhat reminiscent of death: pressure and body temperature decrease, even breathing slows down significantly. They say that the human brain is not always able to perceive this state as a dream, it does not understand whether you are resting or dying. It is for these reasons that the brain from time to time sends nerve impulses to the muscles that make the body shudder. Supposedly, thanks to this, the brain is able to make sure that the body is alive.
