In the legend of the minotaur, Theseus was able to get out of the labyrinth using a ball of thread. But it so happens that, getting into the labyrinth, you forget to take it with you. Then you have to rely only on your own attentiveness and some rules.

- - a piece of chalk;
- - torch.
Step 1
Prepare for the upcoming journey through the maze. Take enough food, water, a flashlight, matches, and chalk to mark your path. Warn acquaintances about where you are going to go.
Step 2
Explore the map or area before entering the maze. Looking at the map, mentally imagine how you will go along this path, try to remember the location of the main forks. If possible, take the labyrinth map with you so as not to get lost. You can navigate the area in which the labyrinth is located, for example, if there is a waterfall near the entrance, you can return to the sound of the water.
Step 3
Make notes on the wall so you don't get lost. Draw an arrow on the wall with chalk to indicate the direction you were going. If you don't have chalk on hand, use materials at hand. Scribble an arrow on the wall with a stone, draw on the ground with a branch, or lay it on the floor. Mark dead ends with a cross so as not to enter them a second time. While wandering, you can stumble upon your mark and realize that you have already been here. You can choose a different direction so as not to walk in circles.
Step 4
Use the left hand rule. Keep near the left wall of the labyrinth and turn left at all the forks. If you need to go back, turn around and follow the opposite rule - turning right. It should be applied immediately from the entrance to go around the maze around the perimeter.
Step 5
Listen to your feelings. The movement of the wind can tell you where to find a way out, but it is not always possible to feel it. To determine the direction of the wind, light a match and see where the fire is leaning. Wet your finger and lower it to the ground without blocking it, this can help determine the direction of the wind without a match.