How To Make Tar

How To Make Tar
How To Make Tar

Table of contents:


Tar is obtained by dry distillation of bark and wood of deciduous and coniferous species. The scope of application is very wide: oily leather and leather goods, trolley grease, pitching. Pure tar is traditionally used for medical purposes and especially in veterinary medicine.

How to make tar
How to make tar


  • - a ten-liter cast iron,
  • - a large saucepan,
  • - frying pan,
  • - clay for coating.


Step 1

For the preparation of tar, chocks, branches, bark of a tree are used. Most people associate tar with birch. But it is also made from other, both deciduous and coniferous trees. In addition, tar is also distilled from coal.

For example, you need tar to heal your dog or other pet for eczema.

To obtain a healing ointment, chocks and linden branches are suitable. Peel them from the bark and leave for 2-3 days in the sun or dry in the oven.

For forcing tar in an artisanal way, prepare the simplest equipment.

Step 2

First, you need cast iron with a volume of 8-10 liters. In the bottom of the iron pot, make a hole with a diameter of 2-4 cm for the exit of wood distillation products. You also need a pan, into which the lower part of the cast iron should fit tightly.

Place the cast iron in a saucepan and brush well the place where the edge of the pan meets the side of the cast iron with wet clay.

Place dry chunks or twigs into the cast iron. Cover the cast iron on top with a frying pan of an appropriate size, the edges of which are also covered with clay.

Now bury the pan and the lower half of the cast iron in the ground. Put a weight of a kilogram up to 25-30 in the pan. Light a moderate fire around the cast iron, which must be maintained for 2-3 hours.

During the entire distillation period, watch for cracks in the clay along the edge of the pan. So that the resinous shoulder straps and phenols, which are part of the tar, do not evaporate with steam and gases, cover up the cracks formed in the clay. To do this, prepare a supply of clay in the basin and a spatula in advance. Otherwise, you will not take a certain amount of the tar obtained, and its quality may also deteriorate.

Step 3

After two to three hours, shake off the heat and carefully scoop up the cast iron along with the pan. When the equipment has cooled sufficiently, separate the pan from the cast iron and immediately pour the tar accumulated in it into a glass dish.

Close the bottle well to prevent the loss of easily volatile substances.

With this method of ferrying, the output of tar from 10-liter cast iron averages 200 g.
