Types Of Organizations And Their Brief Characteristics

Types Of Organizations And Their Brief Characteristics
Types Of Organizations And Their Brief Characteristics

From birth to death, a person is part of an organization. In fact, it is called the pooling of resources to achieve a goal. There are many types of them.

Types of organizations
Types of organizations

Organization concept

An organization can be called an association of people led by a leader, which is designed to achieve the goal. Existing organizations have long been trying to classify, but still there is no single typology.

There are types of organizations that differ in terms of available resources, goals, activities, behavioral characteristics and quantitative composition. By the way, first of all, structures arose that are associated with the organization of human activity to achieve a specific goal. From this point of view, historians distinguish corporate, associative, community types of organizations. But gradually, in the process of the formation of human society, organizations changed their form, content and structure.

Formal and informal organizations

Today it is customary to divide all existing organizations into formal and informal. The latter are considered to be voluntary associations of people who enter into relationships within the organization. As a result of such communication, the psychological and social needs of the group members are satisfied.

Formal organizations, on the other hand, are created purposefully. In turn, they are subdivided into commercial and non-commercial. The latter include those whose ultimate goal is not to make a profit and its distribution among the members of the group. Non-profit organizations are created to meet non-material needs, with the aim of resolving disputes or protecting citizens. The structure of such organizations includes national parks, various legal associations, and ethnic communities.

The main purpose of commercial types of organizations is considered to be the accumulation of profits in the course of the sale of goods or the provision of certain services. These types include joint stock companies, cooperatives.

Other classifications of organizations

Public organizations that are based on a voluntary association are usually called the "third sector". Their members can be not only individuals, but also legal entities. Also, public organizations are distinguished by the presence of a permanent management body.

There is a classification of organizations according to the method of functioning, according to which they are divided into production and non-production. From the point of view of ownership of capital, there are mixed, multinational, national and foreign organizations. State, private and government organizations should be divided into separate types.
