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Are There Real Sources Of Free Energy

Are There Real Sources Of Free Energy

For centuries, mankind has been using alternative energy sources. For example, wind and water mills have been known for a long time and are still used in the national economy of a number of countries. But science does not stand still. In recent decades, a new segment of the market for energy sources has begun to form, which in the future can meet the growing energy needs of civilization

How To Behave When Shooting

How To Behave When Shooting

You can get into a firefight while at home, walking around your city or in another country. But you need to react to shots in the same way in any case in order to protect your life. Instructions Step 1 Keep calm and don't panic

How To Melt A Samovar

How To Melt A Samovar

A device for heating water, which combines a vessel for water, a brazier and a pipe passing through the vessel, has been known since ancient times. However, only in Russia this device was adapted for making tea. At the end of the 18th century, the production of a samovar began in Tula, and soon it became a real symbol of Russia

How To Check The Frequency

How To Check The Frequency

When the monitor is turned on, the user may notice, with peripheral vision, that the screen is flickering. This flicker can be seen more clearly in movies or television broadcasts when they show footage with a working computer. The screen flickers because the image is being refreshed

Should You Go To Astrologers?

Should You Go To Astrologers?

Astrology is one of the currently fashionable hobbies. Even those people who are skeptical of her, at least know their zodiac sign. Many people read astrological forecasts in magazines and on the Internet just for fun. Someone takes astrology so seriously that they are ready to pay a lot of money for drawing up an individual horoscope and other services of a professional astrologer

What Is Large Format Printing

What Is Large Format Printing

Large format printing was originally used for advertising purposes only, but more and more recently it is used for home interiors. Photographic image quality, combined with the use of environmentally friendly materials, has greatly expanded the scope of this technology

Why Does The Time Go Astray

Why Does The Time Go Astray

The exact time on the computer is displayed using a special microcircuit, the power of which is provided by the mains when the computer is turned on and a small battery when it is off. The reasons for the faults in the displayed times are usually the same for each computer

What Is Gold Leaf

What Is Gold Leaf

Since time immemorial, gold has served as a kind of monetary unit, it was considered a sign of wealth and prosperity. Today it not only has not lost its popularity, but has become even more widespread - now it is used in mechanical engineering, and in cosmetology, and even in cooking

What Are The Proverbs And Sayings About Health

What Are The Proverbs And Sayings About Health

“Yes, you can plow on it” - we say when we see a healthy strong woman. Or we calm down a worried grandmother, we repeat: "Not every disease is to death!" Interestingly, such phrases often act on others as a calming one - they end the dialogue on a positive note, relieve tension in the conversation

How To Find A Wallet

How To Find A Wallet

Are you late for work because you can't find your wallet? Can't you remember when you last saw him? It is doubly offensive if all cash, bank cards and driver's license were kept in the wallet. Use all your sanity and memory to find the precious loss without wasting time

How To Return The Refrigerator To The Store

How To Return The Refrigerator To The Store

When buying large household appliances, you need to be very careful. It is recommended to check the device's performance in advance and evaluate its appearance. This will save not only time, but also money in the event that you still decide to return the goods to the seller

What Is A Cappella

What Is A Cappella

Singing without musical accompaniment is extraordinarily beautiful. The voices themselves are already music. To understand this, you just need to listen. Even the text of the song is not important, only the music that human voices give birth to

What Are Charts

What Are Charts

Any person constantly comes across the concept of "schedule". Everybody knows: function schedule, train schedule, sales schedule and temperature schedule. They are used not only by schoolchildren studying the change in quantitative indicators over time

How To Invite To An Alliance

How To Invite To An Alliance

The way to expand the alliance by inviting new members depends on what kind of community or association is created. For official organizations, the invitation of new members must be based on the instructions of the charter and the agreement of the existing association

How To Take Off On A Boeing

How To Take Off On A Boeing

Most people prefer to save their time when they need to travel to another city or even a country for business or pleasure. They try to use air travel routes. In order for an airplane flight to be successful and without consequences for the body, you need to follow some rules

Elevator: History Of Invention

Elevator: History Of Invention

Elevators, which have become an indispensable attribute of modern high-rise buildings, have gone through a centuries-old history in their development. Even in antiquity, man began to use lifting mechanisms that facilitated work, helping to lift loads to a considerable height

Who Invented Electricity

Who Invented Electricity

The electromagnetic field gives life to many devices and mechanisms; it powers computers and washing machines, coffee makers and electric trains. The electrical network has become necessary, even simply irreplaceable in the modern world of machines and technologies

How To Make A Horse

How To Make A Horse

The horse is a great toy, familiar to everyone from the Soviet past. When there were not so many toys in the store, every child considered it a joy to ride on such a wooden stick. Yes, and a modern child is not averse to frolic with such a game, especially since, despite the abundance of toys on the shelves of shops, not every family can afford a live horse

What Is Time

What Is Time

Many thinkers of different eras have tried to answer the question of what time is. But there was no clear opinion on this matter. Time is so many-sided and interesting that there are still discussions about its essence. Instructions Step 1 Time is perceived differently by everyone

How To Find A Dugout

How To Find A Dugout

The Great Patriotic War left many mysteries and secrets. Until now, people find various attributes of that era on the battlefield. Dugouts are of particular value. Finding them is a fun and interesting activity. Necessary - map