How Much Is 1 Gram Of Gold Of Various Standards

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How Much Is 1 Gram Of Gold Of Various Standards
How Much Is 1 Gram Of Gold Of Various Standards

Video: How Much Is 1 Gram Of Gold Of Various Standards

Video: How Much Is 1 Gram Of Gold Of Various Standards
Video: How Much is a Gram of Gold Worth? 2025, January

From time immemorial, gold was considered the most popular and most popular of all precious metals. It is bought and sold daily. However, it is not so easy to determine the actual cost of 1 gram of gold, taking into account the variety of its samples and the conditions of purchase and sale in jewelry stores and pawnshops.

How much is 1 gram of gold of various standards
How much is 1 gram of gold of various standards

Gold Samples

The fineness of gold is indicated by a number indicating the gold content in 1000 parts of its alloy. The 1000th fineness is considered ideal, but it is very conditional, because it is impossible to make a gold alloy without any impurities. Therefore, the jewelry is marked with trials consisting of a three-digit number. The Russian GOST 6835-85 mentions 40 possible gold alloys and 18 gold samples. As for jewelry, most of them are made of gold of 375, 583, 585, 750 and 958 tests, although in some countries 333 tests are also used. The most common fineness of gold used to create jewelry is fineness 585. It consists of three components, can be easily soldered, and its color can vary from white to almost red.

The cost of 1 gram of gold of various standards

The price for 1 gram of 999 gold is set on the New York Mercantile Exchange (COMEX). In Russia, it is displayed by the gold rate, which is published daily on the website of the Central Bank. On the exchange, gold is sold and bought in troy ounces. Payment is made in US dollars. The Central Bank recalculates the fixed exchange figures in terms of Russian rubles per gram. Thus, the accounting price of 1 gram of gold is obtained. It should be remembered that this indicator is focused on the ratio of supply and demand abroad, while the price of gold in the domestic market may differ from the book price of the Central Bank.

To determine the value of gold of other samples, it is necessary to find out the accounting price of gold as of the current date and multiply it by the appropriate coefficient. For gold of 375 assay value this coefficient is equal to 0, 375; for gold 585 - 0.585; for 750-carat gold - 0, 750, etc. For example, the discount price of 1 gram of gold in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of 2014-01-05 was 1285.30 rubles. This means that on the same date the actual cost of 1 gram of 375 gold will be 481.99 rubles, and 585 gold - 751.90 rubles. etc. At the same time, in jewelry stores, 1 gram of 585 gold is estimated on average from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. Gold scrap 375 is accepted at a price of 480-500 rubles. per gram, 583 and 585 samples - 800 and 900 rubles. respectively, and 750 samples - 1000-1100 rubles. And only 999 gold is accepted at the price set by the Central Bank of Russia. As for the acceptance of gold by pawnshops, prices vary depending on the condition of the jewelry, the presence of precious stones inserts, and the value of the piece of jewelry. Pawnshops do not hesitate to buy any kind of jewelry, as well as cutlery and even dental crowns. However, the price at which such items are accepted will be generally below market prices.