A cold look betrays a person who is indifferent and impassive. However, under the mask of icy insensibility, the owner of a vulnerable soul sometimes hides, who deliberately does not show his emotions.
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The eyes are not only the organ of vision. A person needs them to transmit information. He can communicate with others without words, with the help of a glance.
Its effect is determined by the duration, the degree of opening of the eyelids, squinting. By exchanging glances, people share feelings and emotions with each other. With a glance, you can caress and repulse, exalt or destroy.
Meet the gaze
Visual contact signals a person's openness, his readiness to meet and communicate further. For this, it is enough to meet the eyes for a moment.
According to psychologists, the length of the gaze is of great importance for establishing a connection between people. If a person immediately looks away, he is not ready for any relationship. Mutual interest is quickly dying out.
Close scrutiny can provoke protest and retaliatory aggression. Especially men do not like it. They perceive this view as a challenge.
To establish a good relationship during a conversation, you need to meet the interlocutor with your eyes more often. He must see genuine interest.
Do not take your eyes off
There is an expression "wolf eyes". When someone stares at close range, without taking their eyes off.
You can look at paintings, goods in the store, animals in the zoo. You cannot stare at people. Otherwise, the person will decide that he is despised or ignored.
This technique is often used by owners of a cold gaze, showing deliberate and polite inattention. At the same time, they wrinkle their forehead and purse their lips.
Devoid of emotion
Behind a cold look, people are hiding who are not interested in other people's problems. They protect themselves from strong emotions. They protect their peace in every possible way.
Sometimes they give the impression of sociable people. But their sociability is feigned, superficial. They keep their distance all the time.
They talk little about themselves. Do not share experiences. They are afraid to appear funny and weak to others.
Cold people don't compliment. Constantly criticize others. They try to be the best in everything and always.
They rarely smile with restraint. They do not like to be touched. They have more enemies than friends. They trust few people.
Sometimes it's convenient to be a cold person. It is easier for him to conclude a lucrative contract. He moves up the career ladder faster. Deprived of emotion, he usually gets his way.
Some people learn to look cold on purpose. These people hide their true feelings under the guise of indifference.
In this case, a cold gaze means that the person is driven by fear. Having suffered a series of failures in his personal life, he avoids new attachments and disappointments. A vulnerable soul hides behind a cold gaze.
Such a person voluntarily condemns himself to loneliness. However, he can change if he wants to.