What Are The Conventional Signs With The Hands Of Special Forces

What Are The Conventional Signs With The Hands Of Special Forces
What Are The Conventional Signs With The Hands Of Special Forces

During operations, special forces soldiers use various conventional signs and gestures to convey information to each other. Initially, they appeared at the scouts and served, as now, to give commands while maintaining conspiracy.

What are the conventional signs with the hands of special forces
What are the conventional signs with the hands of special forces

Hand signs for building and moving

This is perhaps the largest group of spetsnaz signals. The commander can give orders to the detachment to line up in a certain way, approach or scatter. Some of the signs are very simple, they are also used in civilian life. Just as we in everyday life ask a person to come up, making a movement with his hand towards himself, and the fighters call each other. In order for the whole group to approach the commander, he makes rotational movements with his raised hand.

The raised hand is especially often used to attract attention, as it is clearly visible. Raising his hand and lowering it to the shoulder in one direction or another, the commander indicates the necessary direction of movement of the subunit. For the group to disperse, there are also several hand signs. For example, in order for the fighters to do this quietly and slowly, the arms need to be bent at the elbows and spread apart, while opening the palms.

In spetsnaz, many of the signs are simple, understandable from the situation. With a sharp, clear movement, you can order to enter the house through the window, enter the door, go around the building and even kill the enemy with a knife. And, of course, all will understand the gestures "I", "you".

Warning signs

With the help of gestures, fighters can convey to each other important information about the enemy, about the current situation in general. The palm above the forehead, like a person looking into the distance, informs the group that the commander sees something important, and the hand near the ear - that he hears something important, and the others need to listen.

Fingers pressed to the eye, bent into a ring, as if a person is looking through a telescope, indicate that he has found a sniper. It is important to inform the commander if the order is clear. The very popular American "okay" gesture is used for this.

Signs also indicate numbers. Up to five on the hand is counted in the same way as children. To show "six", "seven", "eight" or "nine", you need to press your thumb to the palm of your little finger, ring finger, middle or index finger, respectively.


Gestures can help the commander to issue the order to the unit silently and quickly. A finger pressed to the lips means "quietly", a downward movement of the hand means "bend down", and the palm facing the inside of the person walking behind means "stop." An arm bent at the elbow, like a schoolboy who wants to answer, but clenched into a fist, says that the fighters should not only stop, but also freeze, and if they raise their hand and suddenly throw it down, then everyone should immediately lie on the ground.

The movement of the arm around the body indicates that the object must be bypassed, and it is from the side with which hand the gesture is shown, and the gesture of the lowered hand moving from behind to front should be understood by the fighters as a command "forward".