What Is A Producing Farm

What Is A Producing Farm
What Is A Producing Farm

Historical excursions to the origins of the formation of mankind one way or another lead to the era, which is commonly called the era of the productive economy. Not everyone knows the meaning of this term.

What is a producing farm
What is a producing farm

A producing farm is a farm where the main source of human life is domestic animals and cultivated plants.

A manufacturing economy was born about 12-10 thousand years ago, when the possibility of domestication of both plants and animals appeared. At first, it was combined with an economy based on the activities of hunters, fishermen and gatherers. But this activity was no longer based on the elementary extraction of food products, as in the days of a natural, appropriating economy, but was associated with a number of rather complex methods in the organization of labor, and hence the development of various technical skills. This should include the development of skills in processing the extracted products.

Thus, in the history of the evolution of mankind, agriculture and cattle breeding arose, which is the basis of a productive economy. This tremendous achievement of the primitive economy spread throughout the world, of course, unevenly, since it was associated with the conditions of the natural environment in which this or that primitive tribe lived.

The fastest development of the manufacturing economy took place in the Middle East. Archaeologists in northern Iraq have discovered settlements where goats, sheep and cattle were domesticated 10,000 years ago. The fact that agriculture was also developed in these settlements is evidenced by the found fragments of flint products for sickles and the remains of grain grinders. The transition from an appropriating economy to a producing economy entailed the development of the communal-clan system, which means that the community of fishermen, gatherers and hunters was replaced by the community of farmers and herders.

Since women were primarily engaged in gathering, it was women who were the first to learn how to take care of wild plants in order to obtain a new product. And men, being hunters and fishermen, were the first to domesticate a dog, a sheep, a pig, a goat and a cow. It was the male sex that domesticated the horse and the bactrian camel. True, traces of livestock breeding in ancient times are limited to the finding of bone remains, which have undergone a change from the structure of the skeleton of wild animals. Which makes the task very difficult for scientists who are studying this issue.
