Constructors "Lego" belong to the category of educational toys, which leaves almost no child indifferent. The company produces constructors designed for girls and boys of various age groups. The first "Lego" can be purchased even by a one-year-old baby - its parts, made of safe plastics, cannot be swallowed. The only problem parents have with purchasing this toy is the way they store the Lego.

Step 1
Use special baskets to store Lego parts. These baskets are boxes made of thick multi-colored cardboard, which are divided into four compartments inside. You can place a separate constructor in each compartment. Or, for example, sort the parts by configuration.
Use baskets of different colors in order to place constructors of various themes in them. These baskets can be purchased at toy stores.
You should be aware that it is recommended to fill the basket cells only up to half. This will prevent mixing of different parts and the child will always be able to easily find the element he needs.
If you wish, you can make such baskets yourself using ordinary shoe boxes. Install cardboard partitions in them and carefully cover with colored paper.
Step 2
Purchase or make a small vertical cabinet with pull-out drawers. Consider the most appropriate way to sort the parts. For example, you can combine similar parts by size.
Step 3
Sew or buy a custom mat bag. The bag is made in such a way that when you unfasten the zippers, it unfolds completely and turns into a play mat. The inner surface of the bag can be designed as a road, street or railroad track. If you decide to make the bag yourself, just stick on thematic decals or make the necessary elements from multi-colored fabric and sew them to the bottom of the bag from the inside.
In order to fold the constructor, you just need to move all its parts to the middle and close the "zipper".
Step 4
Another option for storing Lego sets is placing assembled models on shelves. However, this storage method is not suitable for children. Rather, it will suit adult collectors.