Where To Complain About The Bus

Where To Complain About The Bus
Where To Complain About The Bus

Table of contents:


When problems arise due to the incorrect operation of the vehicle and the tactless behavior of the driver, it is possible to file a complaint about it.

Where to complain about the bus
Where to complain about the bus


  • - directory of city organizations;
  • - the Internet;
  • - statement.


Step 1

Write down the vehicle number and, if possible, the driver's name. The time to follow the route is also useful. If time permits, look at the walls of the bus, the data of the convoy should be written there, as well as contacts where you can call.

Step 2

If there are problems with the bus in Moscow, send a complaint to the Mosgostrans website, which has a special form, write an appeal or complaint in it - https://www.mosgortrans.ru/?id=521. If you need to file a complaint in another city, find a similar site.

Step 3

Find out which bus fleet the bus belongs to. This is easily done through the use of the Internet, use the recorded route number of the vehicle of interest for this.

Step 4

In Moscow, call the Hot Line number 8-495-950-42-04, however, it is almost impossible to get through there and calls are accepted from eight in the morning until eight in the evening. There is also a number where you can call the office, it works from eight in the morning to five in the evening. From there, the caller is usually redirected to the Hotline phone or recommended to fill out a feedback form. In addition, there is an answering machine for the Mosgortrans information department, 8-495-953-00-61. Find similar opportunities in your city.

Step 5

Fill out the application, indicate in it as much information as possible about yourself, since GUP Mosgortrans and similar organizations have the right not to respond to requests with insufficient or inaccurate content. The application must contain full name, postal address with zip code, phone number and e-mail address. The complaint must be confirmed within three days, otherwise it will be considered invalid. Check the status of the application by calling 8-495-953-51-74. Send your application by registered mail to the address State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans, index 115035, Moscow, Raushskaya nab., 22/21, building 1, State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans", or to an address in another city, which can be found in the directory of organizations. Upon the request received, the transport service conducts an investigation, and also takes control of the routes indicated in the complaint.

Step 6

If the actions taken have not yielded results, contact Rospotrebnadzor with a statement. For this, a standard form is filled out on the site https://rospotrebnadzor.ru/feedback/new.php. Also contact the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights.
