How Does The Cadastre And Cartography Registration Service Work?

How Does The Cadastre And Cartography Registration Service Work?
How Does The Cadastre And Cartography Registration Service Work?

The full name of the state organization, which is entrusted with registering real estate objects and all transactions with it on the territory of Russia, sounds like this: Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, and its short name is Rosreestr. It was created by presidential decree in December 2008 and carries out the assessment and registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, maintains cadastral records of real estate, deals with navigation support, and other related issues.

How does the cadastre and cartography registration service work?
How does the cadastre and cartography registration service work?

The activities of Rosreestr bodies are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography", the Order of the Rosreestr "On Approval of the Regulations of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography" and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography".

The main task that Rosreestr solves is the registration and accounting of all real estate objects that are located on the territory of our country. The registration is confirmed by the cadastral number assigned to this object.

Each property has its own graphical display, tied to a specific coordinate system, so it can be displayed on a topographic map of the area in which it is located. In addition, this object has both qualitative and quantitative characteristics, reflecting all the available information about its owner, title and other documents, address, cadastral number, etc.

Graphic and semantic data allow you to uniquely identify each property and monitor its condition and ownership of it. The collection, storage, systematization and analysis of information on all real estate registered in the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out by Rosreestr.

There is a service for registering the cadastre and cartography in each territorial entity. Here you can apply not only for registration, but also for obtaining all sorts of information about the property you are interested in. Its employees are engaged in determining the location of objects, their property assessment, land management and everything related to it: land surveying, land monitoring and even navigation support of the transport complex.

The information at the disposal of Rosreestr, graphic and semantic databases allow to exercise control over the activities of self-regulatory organizations of real estate appraisers and arbitration managers.
